At the Limes Housing
our aim is to provide safe homes and life support for those who need it.




The Limes Housing Ltd is supported accommodation for people who are coming to terms with a life without alcohol/illegal substances, mental health issues and homelessness.

This second stage housing project caters for individuals in the intermediate stages of recovery who have identified the need for a safe, supportive, clean and dry environment to enable them to identify and address their personal goals. At The Limes we ensure that every person has the support in place which incorporates their life style that matters to them regardless of the complexities of their lives. The Limes provides effective personalised housing support services that lead to positive outcomes in adults who are at the difficult stage of changing their lives for the better.

Our mission is that we will always support, listen and encourage individuals to recognise and achieve their individual potential. We want to address social isolation and loneliness in our local community, whilst supporting our residents towards a better future. We will provide new residents with food parcels and clean clothing. Re-integrate and support individuals back in to society, away from a previous life of homelessness, encouraging well-being and self worth. Provide support from outside agencies, help to develop CV’s & employ-ability skills. We will hold sessions on budgeting, preparing & cooking healthy meals and education on health and lifestyle.

Our ethos is to introduce lifestyles changes to some of our most vulnerable members of our community. The Limes is a 2nd stage house, catering for people in the intermediate stages of recovery. We provide a safe, supportive, clean environment and encourage individuals to recognise & achieve their personal goals. Our residents are given the best chances to go on to fulfil happier, healthier lives.

Support in the Community

Here at Limes Housing we appreciate the value of support in the community and are committed to ensuring that the people we take on board are abstinent and are willing to take the plunge into getting back into regular life.

We believe in giving people a chance

Sometimes in life circumstances can change beyond our control and can lead us into vulnerable situations that we may have not known or been aware of. We give hope and assist in rehabilitation to those that are willing to move on when they are ready.

Supported Housing

Our supported housing arrangements are of the highest standards. We feel that people respond better when the environment around them and the accommodation they live in makes them feel respected and gives them a sense of independence & self-worth.

The Limes Housing partners with other local charities in the area helping the vulnerable in society to get back into everyday living through a variety of programmes and resources.

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Do you have any questions you would like to ask us? Get in touch.